Monday, February 11, 2008

I, Customer Auxiliary

The other day I was talking with my merchant friend James Katona of Men at Arms Hobbies in Middle Island, NY - where you all should be shopping - who remarked that I had been coming there for so long, I was more than a mere purchaser of goods.

We knocked that around a bit, and concluded that I was one of his Customer Auxiliaries.

We defined Customer Auxiliaries as old(er), longtime shoppers for whom the store in question is as much a clubhouse as a retail business. They know the stock and product lines inside and out. They're almost always on a first-name basis with the staff, and many are revolving-door or seasonal employees (I myself have worked at certain stores to help out during busy times - always for barter or just to be a pal). They are the go-to folks for organizing games tourneys at the shop and other such things.

Being a CA can be a sweet deal; owners appreciate the help and publicity - aside from being rabidly loyal customers, They are always evangelists for shops they frequent - and are rewarded with discounts, set-asides and running "tabs" when they're short of cash (although they do not abuse this consideration).

The downside, if there is one, is a clubhouse mentality can corrode into clannishness and snobbery that both annoys the owner and gets in the way of good customer service. This has happened several times at the comic shop I frequent, where I've had to drag people aside for a little chat on proper etiquette when dealing with those newer to the hobby than one's self.

I choose to be a Customer Auxiliary rather than work at these places, because I have a (better-paying) job already. But even if employment IS what you seek, consider the CA route. Be a good one and I guarantee you will be noticed.

Fair warning, though: you might be looking at a significant time expenditure, and it's a true labor of love. You can't fake CAdom and you can't insist on it - it just happens.

One more thing... in my almost-30 years of hobbydom, I have never met a female CA. Not once.

Interesting, that.

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